
  • This database of resources has been made available to teachers in many countries.
  • The database is known by several different names such as MTSonline, K7Math, SchoolCentre.
Teachers from around the world have commented on the resources in the database.

Peter, thanks so much for your excellent presentation last week. It was so helpful for me and other teachers there!
N Petkovic

Dear Peter, Thank you very much! I have found your site extremely useful and I really believe that the lift in the childrens' maths last year is, in great part, due to the excellent resources that you offer. The assessments are great Thanks from a very grateful teacher.
S Hales

Thanks for the PD yesterday. Staff got a lot out of it and lots of positive comments about the site and the content available.
M O'Mara

I am receiving feedback from the workshop still but the consensus is......they think you are the guru, so impressed with your Maths Curriculum presentation and MTSonline.
C Ritchie

I've just investigated MTSonline to support mathematics re the national curriculum- it is absolutely brilliant. Besides heaps of really good printable activities there are lots of links and some excellent tests too. There are good rubrics for self reflection and some inquiry based templates for kids to use.
D McClennan

Hi Peter,Thank you for this clear direction. I have passed it onto the class teacher. I have had a quick look at the links in the MTS Features menu and they offer lots of valuable information and method. I will read more thoroughly tonight about effective Smartboard usage. Much obliged for your help.
P Broadhurst

Hi Peter, our teachers loved your program in 2012.
M French

Thank you for being so prompt with my query. I appreciate it. All ready for tomorrow. It's great to have lesson ideas from an expert.
A Young

This is a great programme . keep up the fantastic work.
Peter Hawes

I have been using MTS for the past year and think it is a fantastic resource. The site is easy to use, the activities are relevant and the tests are well set up.
R Prescott

I have to offer you congratulations on your brilliant materials as they are the best I have seen in my many years as a teacher. They are not 'worksheets' but get the children to think and are always meaningful and provide contexts to practise concepts in. The assessments are fabulous too.
J Stocks

Hi Peter, I am very impressed with your whole-school planning video. I am sure your business will continue to expand with such great resources. Best of all the children will benefit from your efforts. Thanks!
J Baker

Thank You!! Thank You!! Very impressive service!
D Sweetman

Great Maths site.
S McClean

Thank you so much for the informative session (National Curriculum). I shall endeavour to share the knowledge with my colleagues where possible.
Ang Dawa Sherpa

MTS online is an excellent resource where you can download and edit Mathematics curriculum-linked lesson plans, activities, works sheets, summative assesments and pre and post-tests. I have found it really useful.
M Raheb

Lots of teachers are using the summative tests from the year prior for assessments and finding them great. Thanks so much.
L Morgan

MTSonline is a big hit with the staff and there are new teachers to the school who are keen to get on board.
R Hare

Thank you for such a great website.
L Sansome

Thank you for such a wonderful resource.
C Bothe

This is a brilliant resource linked to the ACM!
J Reardon

A terrific site!
S Jeanneret

We have been very impressed with MTSonline activities...Also, we love the Summative Tests. Thanks for your support this year. Great site.
A Vaughan

I just wanted to also say that these Summative Tests are fantastic and very well set out. Thanks for making them.
S Marshall

Thanks Peter. I just viewed the videos (Whole-school Approach to Mathematics, MTSonline Interactives Database) and can clearly can view the important learning they contain. Our whole school is considering this approach for 2013.
S Hislop

This (Summative Tests) is just fantastic! Thanks so much.
S Marshall

This is a great site. I use it all the time and it now has interactives for IWBs.
J Veitch

You can find great stuff on this site.
E Pickering

Thanks for a very comprehensive pd on mts online. I learnt so much and now feel I can utilise the website more effectively in my class. Will share what I have learnt with my colleagues. Thanks again for a great morning session.
Tammy Solomon

Your wealth of knowledge and passion for what you do was nothing short of extrordinary! I was glued to your presentation and appreciated the fact that you showed interest and ideas for all year levels including our very inmportant 'little kids' in K and PP which are so often missing in other presentations. As an Early Childhood team leader I have heard nothing but positives from my team and we have not stopped talking about you and your amazing website all week. I want to thank you for being so passionate, to the point and informative and for allowing me to walk out of the session interested, challenged and wanting more. You are a rare asset to any PD day and for that I thank you.
J Watson

Displaying Testimonial 31 - 60 of 149 in total