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The Copyright Agreement

Purchase a License Administration


The author/publisher, Peter Nowland, is a member of copyright agencies in many countries including the USA (CSUSA), Australia (CAL), the United Kingdom (PLS), New Zealand (CLNZ), Canada, Ireland, India, Singapore, Hong Kong, Philippines and more. These agencies are, in turn, affiliated with many other copyright agencies around the world and will act on his behalf to retrieve all funds owing to the author/publisher for any breach of the terms below.


All rights reserved. Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of private study, research, criticisms or review, as permitted under your country’s Copyright Law and all amendments, no part of THE RESOURCE (see definition below) may be reproduced by any process or stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means outside of those conditions described in the License Agreement below. The written permission of the author is required for any use of THE RESOURCE outside of those specifically described in the License Agreement below.


THE RESOURCE is a term used in this Copyright Agreement as a catch-all for the various names by which the product referred to in this License Agreement may be known including: the content, MTS, MTSonline, Mathematics Today Series, SchoolCentre, SchoolCenter, K7Maths, K7Math, K7Math.com, K-7Math, K-7Math.com, APMaths, APMaths.com and other variations of these terms.

License Agreement

What a License provides
1. THE RESOURCE License provides both Subscribed and Trial Users with the right to use THE RESOURCE website to search for, view, display and download content including Activities, Teacher Notes, FlipCharts, Tests...  

2. THE RESOURCE License provides both Subscribed and Trial Users with the right to use the ideas and content to meet the learning needs of the children in their immediate care (i.e. normal use for a class, tutorial group, home-schooling group).

3. THE RESOURCE License provides both Subscribed and Trial Users with the right to display content in the User's classroom via electronic means (e.g. electronic whiteboard, computer, data-viewer).

4. THE RESOURCE License provides both Subscribed and Trial Users with the opportunity to edit and customize any content to better match the selected resource to student needs.

5. THE RESOURCE License provides Subscribed Users with the right to use any content for teaching and learning purposes within the 365 or 366 days of the License term unless an invoice has been provided that shows an extended term for the License (such as when 'special offers' are made).

6. THE RESOURCE License provides Trial Users with the right to use any content for teaching and learning purposes within the 30 days of the Trial License term unless an extended term has been provided for the Trial License (such as when 'special offers' are made).

What to do when a License expires
7. All content (including links, videos, activities, tests...) downloaded and stored on an electronic device must be removed/deleted (not archived) from the device within 3 months of a subscription license expiring - unless point 7. below applies.

8. All content (including links, videos, activities, tests...) downloaded and stored on an electronic device can be archived on the device for a period of up to 12 months if there is a clear intent to purchase a new user subscription following an event such as leave, job change etc.

9. All content (including links, videos, activities, tests...) downloaded and stored in hard copy format must be destroyed (not archived) within 3 months of a trial license expiring - unless point 9. below applies.

10. All content (including links, videos, activities, tests...) downloaded and stored in hard copy format can be archived for a period of up to 12 months if there is a clear intent to purchase a user license following an event such as leave, job change etc.

Edited/customized content is subject to copyright
11. All content that has been downloaded and customized by a User is also subject to the conditions of this License Agreement.

12. All customized content must continue to display any copyright information provided on the original copy.

Sharing content
13. Licensed Users are permitted to share any downloaded content with any other teacher or third party under the following terms:
* The source of content is acknowledged by word of mouth or in writing, eg. provide the web address.
* The copyright information at the top right corner and bottom right corner (copyright symbol) of each resource is not removed.
* The number of resources does not exceed 3 in any one week and, specifically, is NOT a Summative Test.
* All content used by an unlicensed teacher or other third party are subject to the conditions of this License Agreement.
* This agreement specifically does not include providing any unlicensed teacher or third party with access to the database by the sharing of a Licensed User’s login details to that unlicensed teacher or third party; except by way of demonstration conducted via electronic means including computer, electronic whiteboard and data-viewer.